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DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic

镜头测试 Lens Test

本测试包含:基础测试 炫光测试
Lens Test Include: Basic test, Flare test

The entire Pavo lineup features a 16-blade aperture (28mm with 14 blades), effortlessly delivering the classic oval-shaped bokeh of anamorphic imagery. Advanced optical design ensures precise control over chromatic aberration and distortion, guaranteeing sharp and clear resolution from center to corner with vibrant and natural color rendition. The soft elliptical bokeh, along with smooth background blur, adds an artistic touch to the visuals, enhancing their cinematic appeal.

整个 Pavo 系列均采用 16 叶片光圈(28 毫米,14 叶片),轻松呈现变形图像的经典椭圆形焦散。先进的光学设计确保对色差和畸变的精确控制,保证从中心到角落的锐利清晰的分辨率以及鲜艳自然的色彩还原。柔和的椭圆形焦散以及平滑的背景模糊为视觉效果增添了艺术感,增强了电影的吸引力。

DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
180 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
135 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
75 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
55 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
28 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
135 MM Neutral
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
100 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
65 MM (Macro) Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
32 MM Blue
DZOFilm PAVO 2x Anamorphic
28 MM  Neutral

© 2022 by Michael Liu Studio

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